Sunday, July 17, 2016

Where do your leaders come from?

Where do your leaders come from?
This week we are continuing on our look at the laws that govern DCS. The next law in place for DCS is one that covers the appointment of the Director. The current Director is George McKay.  He was appointed to the Director position by Governor Ducey in February of 2015.
According to DCS website Director McKay has experience with investigations and comes from a Law enforcement background. This is not the only reason he was chosen as the current director.
News reports show that in 2013 McKay was responsible for calling out the agency, then known as CPS, for failure to investigate 6,000 cases of child abuse and neglect. This is one of the reasons it seems that he was appointed to this position.
It’s comforting to know that someone who wants to see children being taken care of has been appointed. The goal for all of us is to make sure that children are being properly cared for. We want families that can be kept together, to be together. We want children that are being abused to have a safe place. We want Foster families to get the support they need.
I would like to take a moment to thank Director McKay for the work he did prior to entering DCS. His ability to take a stand to let the state know that children were being neglected was not an easy thing to do. The stand isn’t over, there are still many children in need in Arizona. As we continue to work together we can see changes.
Title 8-452 Director; appointment; qualifications; compensation
  1. The governor shall appoint the director of the department pursuant to section 38-211. The director serves at the pleasure of the governor.
  2. At a minimum, the director shall have:
  1. Administrative experience in the protection of children from maltreatment and in family support services.
  2. Qualifications and training that enable the director to manage the affairs of the department.
  1. The director is eligible to receive compensation pursuant to section 38-611.
    Please be advised, this is not legal advice. If you have any questions in reference to the law please contact an attorney.

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